Improve dry skin, age spots quickly thanks to a simple, easy, and effective hand care secret

With natural ingredients, available at home, she will immediately have a simple, inexpensive, and effective hand care formula.

Possessing a youthful, white, and flawless face, but rough, dark hands will cause aesthetic loss and denounce her real age. Therefore, besides taking care of her face, she also needs to take care of her hands. To keep your hands soft, white, and smooth, immediately apply the simple and effective hand skincare methods below.

What is hand care?

In the beautiful journey, besides taking care of your face, don't forget to take care of your hands. Because our hands are often exposed to UV rays as well as harmful agents from the environment, when not cared for carefully, they will become wrinkled, rough, and unsightly. For office women, having to work in an air-conditioned environment often will make their hands dry, so she should regularly take care to provide water for her hands and keep them soft.

Hand care is an important skincare step that women should not ignore.

Vitamin E for hand skincare

Hand care with vitamin E is a familiar choice for many women. Because vitamin E has a high antioxidant capacity, it holds water and moisturizes, making the skin of the hands softer and smoother. Not only that, but vitamin E also supports to protect of the skin of the hands from the sun, keeping the hands from being wrinkled and unsightly.

How to care for hands with vitamin E is as follows:

  • Take 1-2 drops of vitamin E and apply them to the back of your hand.
  • Massage gently and then wash your hands with warm water.

She should perform hand cream with vitamin E 2 times per week for optimal results.

Coconut oil for hand skin

Hand care with coconut oil is also an extremely popular beauty method, trusted by many women to apply. Coconut oil not only helps in hair care and facial care, but it also works to beautify the skin of the hands. Specifically, the fatty acids in coconut oil will provide moisture to the skin of the hands, keeping the hands moist. Besides, coconut oil also helps the skin of the hands become smooth, protects the hands from the impact of the environment, and becomes whiter.

How to care for hands with coconut oil is as follows:

  • She should do it every day before going to bed. Take about 1-2 drops of coconut oil and apply it to your hands.
  • Combine massage for about 1-2 minutes and then go to sleep.
  • Wash your hands with warm water the next morning.

After 7 days of continuous application, she will see a marked improvement in the skin of her hands.

Hand care with olive oil

Similar to coconut oil, olive oil is also a natural beauty ingredient, favored by many women. The reason for this is that olive oil contains a lot of vitamins A, E, K, D, etc. Not only that but applying olive oil also helps to remove bruises and calluses in the elbow area.

How to care for hands with olive oil is as follows:

  • Method 1: You can take 1-2 drops of olive oil and apply it on your hands every night before going to bed and then wash it off the next morning.
  • Method 2: Mix a little olive oil with sugar and rub it gently on your hands. Wait until the mixture is dry and then wash your hands with warm water.

The essence in olive oil will help the hand skin become white, smooth, and no longer tan.

Hand care with aloe vera

As a natural beauty ingredient with pretty "terrible" coverage, aloe vera not only tightens pores, whitens, and softens skin, but also helps hands become smoother. With abundant vitamins and minerals, regular use of aloe vera will help her hands quickly become bright, healthy, and soft.

How to take care of hand skin with aloe vera is as follows:

  • Take 1 branch of aloe vera, peel it, wash it and cut it into pieces.
  • Rub aloe vera on your hands and gently massage for 2 minutes. Or you can filter aloe vera juice and apply it to your hands.
  • Leave it on for about 10 minutes and then wash your hands with clean water.

Regularly using aloe vera to care for her hands helps her skin improve quickly.

Hand care with cucumber

A simple and effective natural hand care ingredient that not everyone knows is cucumber. Often, women often use cucumber to make masks, but forget that using cucumber juice can also help improve the condition of calloused, dry hands. Besides, using cucumber for hand skin care also helps to provide moisture to the hands, keeping the hands moist, soft, and bright white.

How to care for hands with cucumber as follows:

  • Take some cucumber juice, mix it with fresh milk, and fresh lemon juice.
  • Apply the mixture evenly on the hands, combine gently massage for the nutrients to penetrate deeply into the skin.
  • Wait for the mixture to dry and then wash your hands with cool water.

Hand care with aloe vera is quite simple, easy to do, and benign.